Rumbidzayi Zinyuke and Vimbainashe Zhakata
MUTARE residents have called for peace and unity to prevail among Zimbabweans as a way of respecting the sacrifices made by fallen heroes and heroines to liberate the country.
Manicaland joined the countrywide celebrations of Heroes’ Day on Monday
Residents who spoke to The Herald said the violence, which erupted in Harare after the July 30 harmonised elections should not be tolerated as gallant sons of the soil died to ensure that Zimbabweans live in peace.
Mr Stanely Hove (76) from Palmerstone suburb said Heroes’ Day signified the importance of the sacrifices made by Zimbabweans during the war.
“It is a pity that the violence which erupted in Harare two weeks ago happened just before we celebrated Heroes’ Day,” he said.
“We do not want such an important day to be overshadowed by violence and disunity. We need to value those sacrifices made by our heroes and we can only do that by respecting each other and talking through our differences.”
Mrs Sithembile Mushakwa (60) from Sakubva high density suburb, who was a war collaborator during the liberation war, said although she and others experienced abuse and torture at the hands of oppressors during the liberation struggle, she was happy that Zimbabwe now enjoyed the fruits of that suffering.
“I feel very much honoured on Heroes’ Day because I witnessed the struggle,” she said. Mr Joshua Gwara (42) from Chikanga high density suburb said the country needed to value the liberation war heroes and heroines, and always look for amicable ways to solve disputes.